Explore These Rainiest Destinations Around the World

Toucan sits on a tree branch in the rain

Gearing up for a vacation may just be one of the most exciting things you get to do, perhaps almost as exciting as going on the vacation itself. Amidst this excitement, it is easy to get caught up in the budgeting, the packing, the daydreaming, and forget that you could end up getting caught in the rain.

This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though. Why not embrace the weather and travel during the rainy reason?

For one, travel during rainy seasons opens opportunities to explore activities besides sunbathing and snorkeling that you might otherwise not have time for. In addition, travelers can often save significant sums of money or snag more luxurious accommodations during rainy seasons when tourism isn’t at a peak.

So, if a little water doesn’t scare you, grab your umbrella and get ready to splash through some puddles in six of our rainiest vacation destinations around the world.

Rainiest Destinations in the World

1. Oceania: Big Bog Maui — Hawaii

It’s hard not to think of Hawaii when you think of vacationing: its sweet aromas, beautiful beaches, warm weather, relaxing tunes, and aloha spirit make it a paradise for travelers from around the world. While daydreaming of piña coladas and “getting lei-ed,” it’s easy to forget that many parts of the islands experience heavy bouts of rain on a consistent basis.

Many tourists visiting Maui will make it a priority to tour the Road to Hana in search of the Seven Sacred Falls, located within Haleakala National Park. However, they might not realize that on the edge of this picturesque park, overlooking the black sand beaches of Hana, lies “Big Bog,” which was recently deemed Hawaii’s wettest destination and receives more than 33 feet of rain per year!

You can expect to get wet during your venture along the Hana Highway, though you may find “getting caught in the rain” just as refreshing as your piña colada. Temperatures range from 75⁰F to 85⁰F, even during showers.

Throughout the rest of the island, rain is more sporadic and not as heavy, so unless you’re afraid of a bad hair day, no need to pack a parka or umbrella.

2. South America: The Manu Wilderness — Peru

Peru, third-largest country in South America, is one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, which means it is packed with Kodak moments. Manu National Park, located within the 60% of the country that is occupied by Amazonian rainforest, boasts more than 25,000 unique species of plant life alone, making it a mecca for ecotourists. Imagine the rainbow of flora, the songs of birds high above in the canopy, and a myriad of creatures big and small, all around.

Travelers can expect a warm, damp climate in this tropical region, with average temperatures between 70⁰F and 93⁰F. But they don’t call it the rainforest for nothing. The Manu Wilderness can get up to 11.5 feet of rain per year.

While travelers may potentially save money by visiting during this time, they should be warned that frequent torrential rainfall often causes the rivers to overflow and flood during the rainy season. The rainy season lasts from December through March, so if you are planning to travel during this time, be sure to remember your ponchos or get ready to embrace one wet and wild adventure.

3. Africa: Ureca — Bioko Island

Just off the coast of Cameroon, Bioko Island is an untapped paradise for wildlife study and preservation and is the largest island in the Gulf of Guinea. It is home to Africa’s greatest concentration of endangered primates, more than 50 species of plant life, and a nesting ground for endangered sea turtles. Ecotourists flock to San Antonio de Ureca, familiarly referred to as Ureca, to study these rare creatures and volunteer in preservation programs, as the southern-most part of the island is mostly undisturbed rainforest.

This tropical island has a warm, damp climate with temperatures averaging 77⁰F with little variation. Monsoon winds cause heavy rainfall in Ureca. The annual average precipitation is more than 37 feet, making Ureca the wettest place in Africa. So, while you may not need to bundle up, you will get wet.

4. Asia: Emeishan — China

At an altitude of 10,000 feet, amidst a sea of clouds, Mt. Emei is home to the first Buddhist temple built in China. Today, it’s considered one of four sacred mountains to Buddhists and is often referred to as the “wonderland of celestial being.”

As you can imagine, the climate is fairly cool and damp at this elevation with average temperatures ranging from 32⁰F to 45⁰F, so be sure to wear layers. Beyond the beautiful temples and breathtaking views, visitors are likely to encounter Emeishan’s mascots, the Tibetan macaques. These aggressive and mischievous monkeys are notorious for stealing snacks, so hold on tightly to your trail mix unless you are looking for a real food fight.

While Mt. Emei experiences rain year-round, the rainiest season is in the summer. That’s when it receives 70% of its annual precipitation, which reaches about 27 feet. Despite the increased chance of rain, summer months are actually considered high-peak season for tourism. Visitors will pay slightly higher entrance fees but also enjoy extended visiting hours. Emeishan’s serenity and awe-inspiring beauty makes it a must-see for Zen-seekers and nature lovers alike.

5. North America: Forks, Washington — U.S.A.

Named after four converging rivers, Forks is a small, coastal town in Washington state, known to attract avid steelhead fishers and vampire groupies alike. Fiction novelist Stephanie Meyer set the scene for her best-selling novels, The Twilight Saga, in the United States’ rainiest town. Twilight tours are available year-round, though travelers should know that many of the locations visited are only based on the novel. The film was actually shot in Oregon.

Many other sun-evading individuals seek comfort in the cooler oceanic climate of the Olympic Peninsula, which ranges from 34⁰F to 44⁰F in December, the coolest month of the year, and 51⁰F to 74⁰F in August, the warmest. You’ll definitely need your rain gear since there’s nearly a 100% chance of rain 212 days out of the year.

Aside from fishing and vampire sightseeing, outdoor enthusiasts can also enjoy a number of wildlife hikes, river rafting, and waterfalls in the surrounding Olympic National Park.

6. Oceania: Milford Sound — New Zealand

Oddly enough, Milford Sound isn’t technically a sound, but a fjord. That doesn’t detract from its awe-inspiring views, though. It’s located in the southwestern region of New Zealand’s southern island.

Acclaimed as one of the world’s top travel destinations and sometimes heralded as the eighth wonder of the world, many come to see the beautiful waterfalls and towering sea cliffs. After dark, you can watch the waters come to life as the bioluminescent glow lights up the night.

Exploring by water is the way to go. Many travelers choose to hop aboard a cruise. Opting for a kayak tour, though more physically challenging, puts you at the heart of Milford’s vast scenery. Kayakers are also more likely than those who opt for the cruise to experience up-close wildlife encounters with dolphins, seals, and even penguins.

Milford Sound is considered New Zealand’s wettest destination and has a considerably cool climate, with an average high under 60⁰F. Averaging more than 20 feet of rain per year, you’ll not only want to bundle up, but also make sure to pack a water-resistant jacket and waterproof any electronics.

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Topics: Travel Destinations, Weather

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