How Much of a Travel Junkie Are You? Take the Quiz!

Colorful cliffside village

If you are taking this quiz to prove to  accusing friends and family that you are not a travel junkie, I have some bad news. Taking a quiz about whether you are a “travel” junkie on a travel blog curated by a travel insurance company does not bode well for you not being a travel junkie. The good news is, if you turn out to be a travel junkie, odds are you’re quite happy. Besides, science has spoken on the matter and the facts don't lie: traveling makes us happy.

So how much of a travel junkie are you? Take our travel junkie quiz and find out! 

1. How many travel guide books are you rolling with?

Is your bookshelf filled with Bill Bryson and Anthony Bordain? Do you have a thick stack of guidebooks from across the world? You may be a travel junky.  —Give yourself 1 point for every travel guide book you own (including ebooks!)

2. Do you have a map of the world hanging up somewhere in your house?

It’s a telltale sign. You’re not Marco Polo, so what are you doing with a map of the whole world just hanging on your wall? If you’re staring at it during the day, thinking about all of your still undiscovered places in the world, beginning to plan your next trip, you may be addicted to travel. A map or globe is a sure sign you have the wanderlust. If you have one displayed prominently where you live, give yourself 5 points you travel junkie!

3. Do you search for flight prices just for fun?

Do you spend time looking at sites like Expedia or Skyscanner to take a peek at how much it is to get from where you are to somewhere else? Sounds like classic travel junkie behavior. If you research flight prices just for fun, give yourself 3 points!

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, is it more than one place?

The only question a travel junkie asks is where to go next. If you’re travel bucket list is more than 5 destinations give yourself 5 points!

5. Does watching films make you want to travel?

If so, give yourself one point!

6. Does reading book makes you want to travel?

If they do, give yourself one point.

7. Do certain songs make you want want to travel?

If so, yep, we’re noticing a trend—give yourself one more point!

8. When planning a trip with others, do you do more of the planning or either going alone?

If you do more of the planning give yourself 3 points.

9. Do you sometimes save small plastic bottles when you come across them thinking you’ll be able to put shampoo and conditioner in them on your next trip?

This is classic travel junkie behavior, so give yourself 3 points.

10. Has taking this quiz made you want to plan your next trip?

If so then you better add 3 more points onto your score!

More than 25 Points: Travel Junkie, Extreme Case

You travel so much you don’t know the difference between really living somewhere and going somewhere. Doesn’t sound like such a bad life!

20 – 25 Points: Travel Junkie Within Reason

Whoa Mate, the wanderlust weevil has been biting you for a long time. Bet you know where to get a good pisco and what to do about visas in Vietnam. Good Onya and bon voyage you legend. 

15 – 20 Points: Trip Taker

You are getting out there when you can, but you have a job and responsibilities which cause you to only bust out the dream globe you hide in the closet after everyone’s gone to sleep.

10 – 15 Points: Vacationer

Nothing wrong with taking a vacation. And you still get one. Just not as much as you like.

Less than 10 Points: Next Year Dreamer

There is a voyaging song being silenced inside of you. This year, you bide your time, but next year you finally set aside some time to take that vacation you’ve always been dreaming of.

Topics: Travel Abroad

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